Put your Heart where your Watch is

Acting as a 24 hour medical assistance check-up line, i´m lacking the time to write about all the check-up appointments with:

_The Volta NY
_TJ Walker and Jess Todtfeld on the Media Training workshops
_Arthur Avenue, The Bronx and real cheese with the Traveling Mom
_Connecticut, the commuting and the suburbs family life
_Renting with an heart and the Roomorama team
_Jim Power the Mosaic Man, on the power of love
_Suzannah B. Troy on how the streets are free
_Chrysler building and the Venture Capital
_Solera and the Spanish experience in NYC
_Brooklyn and ISCP engaging NYC
_A doorman with a dream
_Shecky´s chunky jewelry
_Chelsea and the goodies bag phenomenon
_Gastronomical house-made Brooklyn
_Underground Harlem jazz with Gordon Polatnick
_The Bowery Poetry Club
_Saint Patrick´s parade and the Pipes and Drums from the NYC Fire Department
_Rollerblading at sunset on the Battery Park City
_Digital Wednesdays, Eurocircle, Csquared and French Tuesdays, is networking ever enough?
_The Architects crowd
_Saint Paul, Saint Marks, Saint MOMA, and the others
_The ferries, Staten Island and Miss Liberty
_Interviewing with Comunidades USA
_The Ukrainian Store and the bee keeper
_A clown in the subway
_Macy´s and Bloomingdale´s
_Penn Station
_The Frankfurters at The Papaya King
_Hell´s Kitchen
_Baby Swimming lessons
_finding the One for Jasmina
_NY Knicks at the Madison Square Garden
_Farmer´s market at Union Square
_Where Harry met Sally at Kats
_Flea markets and more 2nd hand shops
_Windy Flatiron

and many more... soon.

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